About Me

Professional headshot of medical student walking in navy Figs scrubs

My name is Michelle Veillon-Bradshaw, and I’m a rising second-year medical student in New Orleans, LA.

I created this site to share my path to medicine with the authenticity I had a hard time finding from pre-med websites when I was in college. I don’t come from a family of doctors—in fact, no one in my family works in healthcare! So trust me when I say I’ve experienced the anxiety of being pre-med and figuring out how to become a physician as a first-generation med student. You’ll also find articles about things that have nothing to do with science or medicine, like fitness and Louisiana culture.

What Does “C’est Bon” Mean?

I grew up in Lafayette, LA, which is the better part of Louisiana (imo) because it’s the heart of Cajun Country (just think crawfish, gumbo, Mardi Gras, king cake, daiquiris [sometimes king cake flavored], and anything that ends in “-eaux”). “C’est bon” means “that’s good” in Cajun French and is usually used to describe really good food (go figure). Between my clinical experience thus far and my family’s personal experience navigating the healthcare system, I’ve seen the positives and challenges we face as patients and professionals. My goal as a future physician is simple: to practice good medicine that improves my patients’ quality of life in a way they otherwise wouldn’t be able to do by themselves. I owe it to my patients to practice in their best interest. Besides, their trust in me will be the highest honor I’ll receive as a doctor.

Bourbon Street Canal Street New Oreans


I graduated magna cum laude from LSU with an Honors B.S. in kinesiology with a concentration in human movement science and a minor in communication studies. I was also recognized as a distinguished researcher and earned College Honors with Upper Division Honors Distinction. My research involvement over the past five years has included both bench and clinical projects on sensorimotor control and behavior, concussions, exercise physiology and immunology, diabetes, and orthopedics. I am also a published first-author of peer-reviewed research. Putting in the work to achieve the things you want doesn’t mean you have to give up all the good things in life, and I’ll share exactly how I did it.

Professional headshot of medical student walking in navy Figs scrubs
Louisiana State University (LSU) honors graduate holding kinesiology degree diploma with parent

Chose Law Over Medicine?

It’s important to note that even though I will be a doctor, I am not yet your doctor. Any information provided is not medical or financial advice, nor do my views reflect those of any organization or institution I am affiliated with. #geauxtigers